What i learned from other bloggers….

Jenet is from Austrailia. She is fifteen years young and goes to Shepparton High School.

Alexander  is ten years old and is Canadian, but lives in Hong Kong. He’s a picky eater but likes burgers and fries.

Daniel likes video games, swimming, and football. He’s from Canada.

Tay is from Thailand. He likes swimming and soccer.

Renzo is from Venezuela. He hates chinese food, smoking, and violence. His dream is to help others.

Me Gusta…

Me gusta jugar al basquetbol, correr y comer.
La clase de español es mi favorito porque nosotros usamos la computadora.
Usualmente, Yo miro la tele y como a mi casa.
Yo estoy emocionada sombre Homecoming porque voy con Jessica.